Thursday, October 10, 2002

CD: various, "Surge Studio"

If I remember correctly, a couple of months ago I wrote an insightful little piece about a pair of pants whose zipper would not stay all the way up. Whether a defect in the manufacturing of the pants or intense gravitational pull on the zipper (insert joke here) does not matter; the point is the zipper only tended to stay up half way. When I told this to several people--ever have those lulls in the conversation where you don't know what to say next?--their reply was always, unequivocably: "Why don't you just get a safety pin?" Ew gross no! I am not eight, and I am not putting pins at precarious places in my pants.

Anyway, the update. I came into one of my graduate classes, and waited for the professor to arrive. When he did, I noticed that a number of specific appearance traits such as his bushy, landscaped eyebrows, his loud yet often see-through dress shirts, and a haircut that might be prosthetic, there was also a very nice pair of pants--with a safety pin hanging off the zipper. See, THAT's why I wouldn't do it!

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