Thursday, October 17, 2002

CD: Radiohead, "Amnesiac"

I have spent the last twenty-four hours typing. Papers, E-mails, IM conversations, message board posts. I when I wasn't typing I was writing what I would type the next time I got to a computer. Somehow, between (a little) sleep, work, school, and about an hour and a half of driving time, I have typewritten about thirty-five pages of text. That's an estimate, really. Some were double-spaced, single-spaced...a lot was erased and rewritten. I must have used...six computers today? It sounds about right. Last year I found I have become dependent on a computer; this year I discovered that it must be strapped to my body in order to survive. I'm looking into laptops, but I'll probably chicken out because of the money. Even though I've oogled the specs online for several wasted hours in the past few weeks. Heck, today I spent so much time on computers that I actually crashed a Mac. A Mac! I thought that was impossible. Except for that one time when I was twelve and exploring a computer the first time. I don't know how I did it, but I started rewriting the boot data. Luckily we were both saved by a conscientious technology teacher. But that's a different story. I have to go now, as the amount of time I spend on a computer in one day is the direct adverse of the amount of food I eat. In other words, the last time was yesterday afternoon.

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