Sunday, October 20, 2002

10 20 98

CD: Sleater-Kinney, "One Beat"

Yesterday I worked a twelve-hour shift. I did it because they asked me to. I could have declined, and in a lot of ways I wanted to, but for whatever reason I always take on more work than I originally intend on. And then I end up doing even more than that. And I guess I end up enjoying it. I think I worked about 45 hours at three jobs this week, not including two days of classes and their homework, and not considering the 45 minutes of drive time between all of those places. Why do I like it? I get to listen to my car stereo, I meet new people, I get out of the house...all of those dumb excuses and more. Oh, and someday next week I'll get three paychecks in the mail. That makes me forget just how tired I am.


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