Monday, October 28, 2002

CD: Supergrass, "Supergrass" day in a nutshell.

1:30 AM: Wake up from my three hours of sleep. Quick, take a shower, get a bunch of records, and drive 45 minutes to Buffalo State.

3:00 AM: Radio show. It went pretty well this time, though I had to get let in the building by a police officer this time because everyone else had gone home. To do what?

6:00 AM: End radio show. Found a couple of CDs lying on the floor that I figured I'd keep for my lonesome. The Vines promo, for one. Sweet. Also played a Wesley Willis station ID that he recorded when he was staying in the residence halls for a week or so last year. That guy can really rock and roll. Now it's time for work!

6:45 AM: Finish driving from Buffalo to Elma, New York to the school there. Change my shirt in the empty parking lot. I arrive early enough that I can set up things and still have time to start a paper I have due next week Wednesday.

7:30 AM: Start work. Easy day today, just playing the same movie for a bunch of classes. You can start to predict what the students' reactions will be to certain parts: when they will laugh, when they will all say "Ew!" at the sight of blood, and even when they will start and stop paying attention. Interesting.

2:30 PM: Finish work, kind of. During my free periods I finish that homework paper, which is probably the earliest I've ever done anything for a class. I'm almost an example to my students or something. Now it's time for Bus Duty, meaning I stand around in the cold making sure no one gets run over in the parking lot.

3:00 PM: Drive back to Buffalo.

3:30 PM: Lunch in Buffalo, at Subway! Subway rocks! I even had a discount card that gave me a free sub! Yeah!

4:00 PM: I have two hours until my next class. I go to the library and find out I owe $10 in late fines (@*$#*&^$!!) and read three newspapers. I'm hukd on fonix.

6:00 PM: Presentations in class. It's a good class, especially since I'm not presenting today. I make some comment about an episode of Antiques Road Show that actually isn't too embarrassing. Maybe I should participate more.

8:00 PM: Back to the library. Talking to you.

10:30 PM: Back home? Should probably eat something. Maybe call Dave. Dave doesn't read this weblog, so I can call him a monkey boy without him knowing.

12:00 AM: Zzz? Probably not...

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