Sunday, August 20, 2006

Why Mississauga is a pluton

Article from The Star

J-Oe and I went to the Jell-O Museum in Leroy, New York. Before you ask a silly question like "Why?" I think you should look of this picture of a brain-shaped Jell-O mold.

Who is Marge, and why are kids allowed to put Jell-O all over her?


Some lovely items at the gift shop. Why isn't Jell-O for sale?


Apparently, Bill Cosby's visit was a Big Deal.

BUT THE FUN DOESN'T STOP THERE. Joe and I got us some hot poon at the House of Poon in Rochester. And no, they don't serve Tang.

How much does it cost to get Poon? About ten bucks or so.

Night of the Living Drink Specials

Grandma Poon's knick-knack shelf

POON, right here. On the table.

Fortune for Ox: "Marry a Snake or Cock. The Sheep will bring trouble."

After seeing Little Miss Sunshine at Little Theater in Rochester, we took a little walk around downtown.

Eastman School of Music

A downtown venue

SPoT Coffee

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Deuces Wild

Corner of Main and Harris Hill, Clarence, New York, 11 August 2006.

August 11th was also Scott's birthday. Happy birthday, Scott. I bought you some poo.

Speaking of poo, Joe looked like crap.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Pictures From Last Month

A new display at the Albright-Knox

Security got after me for taking a picture of this. Those people are watching a belly dancer just off-camera.

While leaving the museum I got stuck in traffic during a 5K run.

Here's the scene from Buffalo's Italian Festival, taken at an angle reminiscent of the Penguin's lair.

Joe loves sausage

Bocce Cow

How can a funeral home branch out to a second location that's right next door?

I went back to Hertel one night to see a movie.

Seen outside the free Shooter Jennings show at downtown Buffalo.

Shooter 'n' the band

Buffalo City Hall

This guy rocked; the photo doesn't do him justice.

Scott (center)

Scott wanted a picture of this so he could figure out what it was (an early Game Genie). I thought I'd end this post on a down note.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


[00:57] Jeff: The Dukes of Hazzard story is wonderful
[00:57] TomServo0: shucks, thanks
[00:57] Jeff: i love the intertexuality "seseme street"
[00:58] TomServo0: that was my big "intertexuality phase"
[00:59] Jeff: the speilberg ending, though, throws it off
[00:59] Jeff: you have this great story line leading towards a climax, but then you blink
[01:00] TomServo0: i know!
[01:00] TomServo0: what i was trying to do was express a great dichotomy in the quinessential american experience
[01:01] TomServo0: the dukes, representing the poor, rural South, and Seseme Street, portraying the rich, urban North
[01:02] Jeff: yeah - you work that in nicely
[01:02] TomServo0: when the dukes meet the street - north meets south - they're instantly on the run
[01:02] Jeff: the underlying theme of police corruption with the subtle connections to reagan's social policies was a good overall critique of the mid 80s
[01:02] TomServo0: their past transgressions chase them as they attempt to emerge from anonymity
[01:03] TomServo0: at least it ends optimistically
[01:04] TomServo0: the parade symbolizes a united yet diverse "american" consciousness
[01:04] TomServo0: the dukes have gone from being chased by the police to cheering them on
[01:04] Jeff: it was also a carnivalesque inversion, since the police trailed the parade rather than led it
[01:05] TomServo0: you've got it exactly. it's as if you read my draft notes

Here are some more old documents from my storied and enviable life.

Pre-school Progress Report, May 1984

Pre-school Progress Report, January 1985


(didn't fit on the scanner)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My First Book

Recently unearthed, here is a book I wrote in the mid-'80s. I don't remember the reason why it wasn't published; something about copyrights, I think. The plot ends a little to conveniently during the conclusion but there's some real suspense working up to the climax. It's called The Dukes of Hazzard; hope you like it.