Saturday, October 05, 2002

CD: Rufus Wainwright, various mix CD

Since I've started a job that requires me to get up sometimes at five in the morning, I get to see a lot of things that I haven't in a long time. This, of course, is because I usually go to bed at five in the morning. However, there is something truly serene early in the day when you can see sunlight but not the sun, when the air still feels crisp and damp, when the the only people you see are delivering the morning paper. It's quiet, it's fresh, and though there is a full day ahead it feels like there is nowhere else you really have to be. A pre-coffee morning: nothing but you in some clean clothes and a waking but rested body. Between 5 and 5:30 AM, despite work, errands, and war on the evening news, it is still a good day.

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