Sunday, October 06, 2002

CD: Eddie Vedder, various mix CD

Today is my brother's birthday. My brother was born about eleven months and three weeks before my sister, meaning that for one week every year they were the same age. I can vividly remember these from growing up, because for that one week my brother didn't have a little sister to beat up. He actually had to think twice, because he had to doubly justify his oppressive behavior. He would have to say something like "Nuh-uh, I'm still older than you 'cuz I was born first!" and she would reply "But I'm _x_ years old too so we're even!" Kids can't really get legal the way Johnny Cochrane can, so he was kind of stuck by this part of the debate. As a result, he would beat my sister harder than he usually did. Strangely, looking back on it I think she didn't mind as much, because for this once-in-a-blue-moon event she still had him, you know?

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