Saturday, February 01, 2003

CD: U2, "Best Of 1990-2000"

This afternoon I finally got my voice back enough that I can speak whole sentences with cracking or going into a coughing fit--well, mostly. But it has also given me an extremely low voice. Maybe I have somehow widened my voice box or something, I don't know, but when I can talk I sound like Barry White. So my brother met one of my friends at his work today and they decided to call me. First they didn't know who it was, but once they figured out the situation they put me on Speaker Phone at Guitar Center and had me say stuff for fun like "Ohhhhh Bay-bee" reeeeel slooooow. This is the one part about strep throat that I'm going to miss. That and sleeping in until... well, sometimes I didn't "technically" get up. I wonder if it's possible to get my voice box surgically widened so I can talk like Barry White all the time! Oh baby! Or James Earl Jones at least! "THIS IS CNN." Cool!

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