Sunday, February 09, 2003

CD: Pete Seeger, "American Industrial Ballads"

The President used to look really stupid, like the kind of guy that needs extra time to read things. But since that whole September 11th thing, and that whole Iraq up the wazoo thing, it looks like he’s been thinking a lot more. You know, really pondering stuff and doing some problem solving. So now he looks smarter, but he also looks angrier. It’s been my racist opinion that dumb people are usually happier. I think it’s because they know of more problems in the world, like war and famine, while the not-so-thoughtful people watch American Gladiators. And while looking at this weblog a second time before posting it, I can see that my lack of word variety, such as the using the word “thing” three times instead of using more descriptive diction, just proves that I’m at least borderline inside the American Gladiators group.

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