Wednesday, February 26, 2003

CD: Bob Dylan, "Blonde on Blonde"

"I went to kennel and I got to work with the cats, finally! I have been in the dog room for the past 3 times. So anyway, all of the cats were good, and very cute. I didn't enjoy being totally covered inside (I swallowed and breathed some in...haha) and out by cat hair though. We did TPR's on all of them just like we do for the dogs. We also had to pill them...1/2 a tab of 250mg Lidocane...they didn't like that too much, but they were good anyway. Then all of us did the usual stuff, clean out their cages, sweep and mop the cat room, and feed them.

"So after I left kennel I went to the cafeteria. I decided to get a coffee, grapefruit and a chocolate chip muffin (b/c I am PMSing). When I went and sat down and went to eat the muffin, I was amazed that it was still warm! And it was fresh! The chocolate chips were all favorite! I was sssssoooooo impressed, I called my Mom on her cell phone to tell her about it...she was like...WOW! Haha! So yeah this was one part of my good day...the best part by far! Then when I went to Microbiology, I actually didn't fall asleep like I normally do! It was amazing! Then when we took our quizzes on fungi (molds and yeast) my prof. let us all work in pairs when she saw that no one knew any of the answers to her questions! It was kewl.

"This guy Joe (CarlWinzlow) that I went to college with keeps hitting on me lately. What is his deal? His he serious? Maybe he is...but I just told him that he just wants a piece of ***. He admitted to that part but wouldn't elaborate about anything else...eerr. Well if he is serious I know that he is a nice guy and that he wouldn't hurt me so we'll see. And Joe, if you are reading this...what the **** is up with you lately? FrEaKo..."

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