Wednesday, February 05, 2003

CD: Squirrel Nut Zippers, "The Inevitable"

I was just thinking back to about a month ago when my father enlisted my help to get a desk out of my church in the middle of the night. It was one of those larger secretaries' desk with the filing cabinets built in. Also remember that it was around 0 degrees outside and windy, and the path from the door to the car was uphill and covered with about six inches of ice. The desk took an ample amount of pushing just to get it through the door (it technically did not fit), but it was the freezing cold and the absolute lack of solid footing that did me in. And I must be honest: right there, in front of my father and on church property, I still yelled out "F*CK!" as I slipped and let that 250 pound piece of office furniture fall on top of me. The end.

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