Friday, November 22, 2002

CD: Stevie Wonder, "Songs In The Key Of Life"

A couple of nights ago I had a dream that Ed was dead. "But Fred," you could have said, "your head was in bed. Ed's not dead!" 'Tis true. At first I felt bad about the whole thing. After all, Ed being dead would be a bad thing. After a couple more minutes of dreaming I realized: I was supposed to visit Ed with Joe next month. Now what? I should call Joe! I wonder if he found out, too. Maybe I would have to break the bad news to him. I don't know Joe's phone number well enough to dial him in my dreams, so in the last few minutes of sleep I was able to assess the situation. How did Ed die? I should have probably found out. Who could I ask? Probably the person that told me he died. Who was that? I don't remember. Why not? Did anyone actually tell me? Hmm, awful fuzzy. Is Ed really dead? If he's not, am I making all this up? Why would I make all this up? Am I dreaming? Did I get up this morning? No? Well there you go. And then I woke up.

So in conclusion, Ed just posted a letter about going to the Danko Jones show last night so I have conclusive proof that he's alive. Thank goodness!

"I might not be the flashiest dresser in the room/I might not know how to look a girl in the eye/I might not have the right pick-up lines/but I'll show you what I got/you see when I was growing up I got the inside scoop I used to watch all the fellows down the block/when they worked I watched and I learned the Lovercall."

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