Friday, November 01, 2002

CD: Stevie Wonder, "Songs In The Key Of Life"

Well I'm going on a little trip tomorrow and since I won't post any fantastic updates about my important life in the next few days, I figured I could just do it now. Also, I am here in the computer lab waiting for something to finish printing, so what else am I supposed to do? The printer here is one of those older ones that use the long, attached pieces of paper with the holes on both sides. Yeah, the cheap stuff. Teachers won't accept them so that's why I can print out half a ream for free. Looking at it now, however, I realize that I can barely read half of the font. You know how some people spell "encyclopedia" with that conjoined "AE" thing? All of the letters on the page look like that. And the numbers? Don't even ask. Like a just scanned some kindergardener's glitter art.

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