Thursday, March 06, 2003

CD: John Coltrane, "The Very Best Of John Coltrane"

I forgot how to read. After all these years, I forgot how to sound out words, read phonetically, stay on one line at a time. In college I developed the ability to read two or three lines at a time to better skim the material so I could spend my time more wisely not doing the dishes for my dorm. Reading the newspaper too often has made me skip whole paragraphs in a quick search for important quotes and concise summaries. So now, whenever I want to read a real book--or even a long New Yorker article--it's darn near impossible. I lose my place, I turn the page halfway through reading the one before it, and sometimes stop and say to myself "I don't know what I just read. I didn't remember a single word." It's been difficult, but with a few hours of practice every night I've tried to regain my reading abilities. Sure, every page of my graduate textbooks are a challenge, but so was inventing the light bulb and we're glad someone did that! So to conclude, reading is worth it. But you don't have to take MY word for it....

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