Friday, March 28, 2003

CD: The Donnas, "Spend The Night"

Whilst bowling this night, I happened perchance to partake of a faulty bowling ball returning machine. For some reason the balls would not come back from the magical chute in the ground! So I've been thinking about it, and just what goes on begind those pins, anyway? I know Fred Flintstone had a pterydactyl (sp?) putting his day's work in, putting up carved-rock pins and making funny little comments, but what about today? And how do you keep score in a bowling game? How does 10 times 10 equal 100? One thing has never changed, and it is the definition of the bowling experience: Shoes. I'm going to call Calvin Klein and suggest a bowling clothes line--the untucked, shiny, button shirts, sure, but the multi-colored, pseudo-leather shoes are the epitome of retro fashion! It's like stepping your feet into 1978. If you could only wear them to interviews...

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