Sunday, January 26, 2003

CD: Radiohead, “Amnesiac”

I’m quite proud of the fact that I skipped the Super Bowl for the first time since 1988. Maybe if I stop watching it altogether, the teams I want to win will actually do so…Nobody talks about the game the next day anyway; they only want to talk about the commercials. But since I didn’t watch the Super Bowl, here are some other commercials I like (see how I’m scraping for blog subjects?):

-“WHERE’S THE BEEF?!” Still the best.

-The one where the guy is sniffling, sneezing, headache, cough, etc. That guy looks like crap.

-The Hose Roller thing where the “Other Guy” keeps fumbling with his hose, eventually dropping it, whereas the lady next to him has that Hose Roller thing and can do it with one hand. Note how the guy also has an untucked shirt and ratty hair. He just can’t keep ANYTHING together!

-I miss the dog.

-You know, the one where the mother in the family is all happy to be doing the laundry or the dishes or making breakfast that no one has time to sit down and eat? But thank goodness she spent X dollars on the brand name version of X that somehow makes banal chores like cleaning up after, feeding, and washing her family (something they should really learn how to do by themselves) just plain magical. Remember that one? As magical as dancing stuffed teddy bears, floors with animated bald men looking at you through their shine, or flying cereal bowls that metamorphose into granola bars mid-flight. Hey mom, whatever keeps you off the Vicadin.

-Sign up for the Army, get a free pair of socks!

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