Friday, August 27, 2004

Dave Grohl Drumming with Nine Inch Nails

Nine Inch Nails webcam archives. This is old news, as Grohl is now working on a Foo Fighters double album (!!)

Today was the unofficial first day of grad school and it's already weird. One professor can't make it to the first class and rescheduled it for Sunday (!!) so I have to take off work. That's bad because I won't get the money I need, but great because I hate working there. But Sunday? Isn't that illegal or something? Meanwhile, the department is so adamant about keeping students under twelve credit hours that they nearly demanded about a dozen of us to drop one class each. Then again, after looking at the 13-book reading for Modern German History I think I'll take that offer. (I'll do it again: !!) I've already taken two years worth of graduate-level history courses. But just think: I need thirty hours to finish and I've already done 20% of them. Sweet potato pie!

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