Friday, July 02, 2004

Flaming Fingers

Democrat & Chronicle: Tough MCC teacher fired

I went from a private college to a public teachers' college. I didn't learn much of anything at the state school. In one class we talked about conservative politics in education and the teacher *warned* us that supporting the conservatives would could lead to the school shutting down. To save my participation grade I said nothing. Quite frankly, most of us learned nothing and I felt dumber for going.

ANYWAY, I think we saw a band called Universal Honey at Thursday at the Square. We didn't pay attention. Tim macked with some high school alumni while Dave was invisible. I chased Elizabeth, and then she showed us Heinie. [sp?] Heinie was good; Joe was elated. After the band stopped sucking we went to the Pearl Street Bar & Grill only to find that it had more than one floor. It took half an hour to get our Flaming Fingers For Five, and by then we were too starved to eat. After we got rid of Brad and Dave, and Tim and everyone else, Joe and I had the gay date dreams are made of. Simultaneously, the producers of 3 Fast 3 Furious held a casting call in the Mighty Taco parking lot. I cleared my sinuses. Thus endeth the passage! Stay tuned to Joe's Blog for visual updates.

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