Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Slip

Buffalo's Commercial Slip opened during Memorial Day weekend. Though it's far from complete (whatever that means) it's shaping up to be an interesting spot getting a lot of visitors. Revitalization efforts began about ten years ago when the original terminus of the Erie Canal was uncovered and the city had the foresight to capitalize on the find. Expect some commercial/recreational/historical-themed construction in the next few years. The old Memorial Auditorium will be demolished within the next year to make way for a Bass Pro store, so expect to see more fishing on the pier.

I also visited the new "beach" near the Buffalo Marina. It looks about fifty feet wide and swimming is illegal. The point? Buffalo needs a beach, I guess. The newspaper and all three news channels did pieces on it. At least the fixed-up naval park looks good.

Music is from the Nine Inch Nails album The Slip. Get it? Ha ha. I picked the song 1,000,000 because of the millions Buffalo's spending to put this all together. The Slip is on sale for zero dollars on the artist's official site. Thanks for the album, Trent! Now please stop mentioning "getting on your knees" in every record.

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