Wednesday, December 14, 2005

THE Media Play, THE!

The Final Play for Musicland's Bookselling Media Play Chain

Thank goodness this chain is folding (except I feel bad for its employees). Media Play used to have a sweet selection of import CDs and regular albums at a regular price of $11.99. But that was in 1995. Maybe if they had kept their selection up and prices low they'd still be making money. The last couple of times I went to Media Play they had spread tons of Britney Spears albums over the racks to make them look full. The imports section disappeared as well, so I often found myself using the bathroom and leaving. That was one good thing about the store: the large bathroom near the entrance. Anyway, my best Media Play find was a copy of the Wesley Willis Fiasco album, with a broken case and no price tag, at the bottom of a Used Discount bin. Not Used OR Discounted but both. When the cashier called for a price check the guy on the other end just laughed. To conclude abruptly, only buy used CDs from stores unless the albums are brand new. Get everything else on Amazon.

1 comment:

Brian Emerson said...

Man, I can't even tell you how many times I used those sweet Media Play bathrooms!