Wednesday, September 04, 2002

CD: Steve Fisk, "999 Levels of Undo"

Canadian money has gotten really messed up lately. I don't know if it's the bad exchange rate, or the new dollar redesigns in the U.S. that are making them jealous, or the fact that they ran out of all their old change while using American vending machines, but Canadians have tried a lot of tripped out changes. The first one was the dollar coin, which is a good, rational idea, but then they thought about the TWO dollar coin, which really looks like a little coin melded with a big fat donut of a coin around the outside. Then they thought "Hey, why don't we add a shiny hologram looking thing at the corner of this bill" and "Hey, what if we use twelve colors on this bill" and "Hey, while we're at it, let's use this picture of my kids playing hockey in the backyard and put that on there too, and here's this poem about World War II that I like, we can fit it in somewhere." Even stranger, if you look at the back of some of the newer quarters you can find moose, spacemen, stick drawings of people, and Thor knows what else. In conclusion, since the NHL started migrating south Canadians have basically lost the will to live. Their search for new hobbies has come up dry (it's not like they have anything to clean up there) and this is the result. Sad, I know, but it keeps them occupied. But I fear for their stamps.

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