Monday, September 16, 2002

09 16 02

CD: Patti Smith, "Gung Ho"

My table is cluttered with unfinished business. From the far left to the far right: 1.) The book I have to finish reading for class next week. I'm about 20% done. 2.) Education loan forms that must be compared to my old tax files. Descrepancies must be forwarded to the bank for re-examination. 3.) The bill from grad school. I'm expecting a check, which help pay for #2. 4.) Four CDs that must be copied by the 19th, before they're due back at the library. 5.) CDs I actually bought, that must be entered into my database with the CDs I'm about to burn. 6.) The crate of copied worksheets that should be organized chronologically for use in a school setting. You know, for that job you want to get? 7.) Reciepts and work slips that must be put into appropriate folders. 8.) AOL E-mail printout, which must be saved in case they bill me $23 for an account I never bought (and they said they would fix). 9.) Blank videotapes. I'll use one tonight but these should be put somewhere else. 10.) Newspaper clips that require a typed-out summary for a class, due Wednesday. 11.) An ad for the new Danko Jones album. Just finished writing an E-mail asking for free tickets. 12.) CDs that must be put back in their cases from their rotation in my car. 13.) That reminds me, look up the costs/benefits of trading in my 2001 car for a 2003 that has a no-interest payment plan. Dude, I better do that one now.

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