Friday, September 27, 2002

CD: Beatles, "A Hard Day's Night"

Today I had the pleasure of trying to be a substitute teacher on a Friday, a shortened class schedule, AND Homecoming Day, all rolled up into one. Which, of course, means the kids didn't come to school for any other reason than to put on face paint, eat lunch, and prepare for a full ninety minutes of foot-stomping on the bleachers during the end-of-the-day gym rally. I competely disagree with the idea that children have a short attention span, because if you saw how much time and care they spent in applying glitter....Anyway, it was a lucky coincidence that the day I decide to wear a red shirt is the day I'm called in to a school whose colors are red, whose mascot is an Indian chief, and who practically made crimson clothes a one-day law for students and faculty. Go Chiefs, dude. Go Chiefs.

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