It's two hours to 2008 and I wanted to make my 100th post of the year before I go out. As you may or may not know, I've recorded (almost) every E-mail and IM conversation since 1998. Now that I've put them on a single hard drive, they're searchable to me and me alone.
So here's some history for you. As the world burned on September 11, 2001, I contacted my now-roommate Dave in Washington, DC. Was he hurt? Did he hear anything? Is the capital shut down? Apparently it was more important to discuss our AIM icons.
Scoobieg89 (10:14:36 PM): blurp
TomServo0 (10:14:42 PM): you again
Scoobieg89 (10:15:01 PM): blurp blurp
TomServo0 (10:16:21 PM): you again again
Scoobieg89 (10:16:36 PM): blurp blurp blup
TomServo0 (10:16:52 PM): nice icon
Scoobieg89 (10:16:54 PM): that's the sound of the men...workin on the ...blurp blurp blurp blup blup
Scoobieg89 (10:16:58 PM): rock star?
TomServo0 (10:17:09 PM): looks like you
Scoobieg89 (10:17:38 PM): blurp blurp blurp blurp it blurp does blurp
TomServo0 (10:17:56 PM): um... yes.
Scoobieg89 (10:18:22 PM): I like your icon...nirsucka 's big in /Rolling stone this week
TomServo0 (10:19:14 PM): nirsucka?
TomServo0 (10:19:31 PM): is it the issue with whatshername on the cover?
Scoobieg89 (10:19:38 PM): yes, as in, i'm professing my undying displeasure over their music
Monday, December 31, 2007
Be Be Be Be Be Be Be Be
End of the year video post?
Don't mind if I do!
Happy Holidays/New Years/whatever, chances are you're drunk.
Sid Caesar, Carl Reiner & Howard Morris are The Haircuts. I OWN this record! It came from my step-great grandmother's collection.
Don't mind if I do!
Happy Holidays/New Years/whatever, chances are you're drunk.
Sid Caesar, Carl Reiner & Howard Morris are The Haircuts. I OWN this record! It came from my step-great grandmother's collection.
Missing Links
It's the end of the year and it's time to clean out my Bookmarks. You might find something interesting here.
Pictures from the Mexican Cession reunion show from last year. Man that was sweet.
This website will help you find .mp3s through Google.
From the New York Times: "Is it better to buy or rent?"
Famous musician/producer Steve Albini gave his best interview in a poker forum, of all places.
Madd Dogg joined his buddy Slick Chris for a few online radio shows. If you don't know who Madd Dogg is, search this blog!
"A Regular Site for Regular Folk"
All Things Buffalo should be visited for this picture alone.
The Onion AV Club's article on 15 Masters of Onstage Banter is awesome because it has actual clips! Rock!
Frank's Vinyl Museum usually posts one or two clips of some weird, weird records. The current post: "Disco Noel"
Forgotten Buffalo is all about just that. I hope to explore some of the city's little crevices a lot more in the next year. Now that the bike path is finished it should be a lot easier.
Everyone's favorite Craigslist date, looking for Mr. 500k.
Want to press your own records?
Okay, enough beating around the bush. You have to watch Yacht Rock right now. All of them. DO IT.
The former Sleater-Kinney guitarist Carrie Brownstein is a currently great blogger for NPR. I'll put her on the blogroll when I end up feeling like it.
Trust me on this one: Matching Album Covers.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Narcissism Road
In the fall I read through a couple local blogs that beefed over some petty political argument. They'll remain nameless (though they're linked on your right) but one thing I noticed was that one party used Google Alerts to find out who was writing about them on the Internet. "Wow," I thought. "That's really egotistical." I signed up immediately.
My results consist of my own blog posts. Last week, however, a new site called Columbus Ohio Neon came up that's worth checking out. In one entry, the author took pictures of all the neon signs he could find on Schrock Road in Ohio. Here's just one:
My results consist of my own blog posts. Last week, however, a new site called Columbus Ohio Neon came up that's worth checking out. In one entry, the author took pictures of all the neon signs he could find on Schrock Road in Ohio. Here's just one:

Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Butter of '69
One of my favorite bands ever was Cibo Matto. If you've never heard of them you're not alone. Fewer people have heard of their one-off side project Butter 08, a mid-90s "supergroup" with some other folks from the Beastie Boys' Grand Royal label. But that's not important right now. What IS totally sweet is that I never knew they made a music video until 15 minutes ago.
Kinda catchy, right? Also this week, someone covered a Butter 08 song for a new EP (which pays tribute to one of my most favorite compilations). Check it out; it sounds as good as the original.
Kinda catchy, right? Also this week, someone covered a Butter 08 song for a new EP (which pays tribute to one of my most favorite compilations). Check it out; it sounds as good as the original.
Tim's Truck
Remember back in 2005, when YouTube was just a glimmer in the Web's eye? When taking videos on a digital camera was almost quaint? Earlier in 2005 I took the following video. Jerry got a used truck for Tim and started testing out the brakes. Odd, banal stuff. As Tim puts it, "This just reminds me of dad videotaping his family, and nobody liking that." Yes.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Big Mouth Billy Bird
Whilst cleaning out my hard drive I happened perchance upon this video, captured at a jaunt to Hallwalls during the Beyond/In exhibit.
Please peruse its contents at your leisure.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Title of the Post
Reference to the creators of the song, then the video. Positive expression of opinion concerning the clip. Regret that the video was not as great at the song. Link to other website for further insight. Lack of comments to the post.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
80 Minutes for 9 December 2007
I intend to make 100 posts this year. Currently the number is in the mid-80s so I'd better get cracking.
Yesterday I finally bought an external hard drive (500 gigs!) for all of my pictures, music, and videos. That means I could finally empty out my MP3 player of the 30 gigs of downloaded music I collected over the year. (And upload the 15 gigs I recently downloaded but haven't heard. Before that I pulled a The Onion's Random Rules to see what would come up if I hit "shuffle." You can download all 22 Tracks together or individually.
01 G Love & Special Sauce - When We Meet Again.mp3
They're coming to town next month!
02 Oh No - Heavy.mp3
Does anyone know where these samples come from? I've heard them all over
03 Guns n Roses - Raw Power.mp3
Oy, The Spaghetti Incident. At least it's a Stooges song.
04 Of Montreal - How Lester Lost His Wife (Pocket remix).mp3
I like Of Montreal's originality but sometimes they're a bit drab. The remixes help.
05 Marc Almond - Bedsitter Images.mp3
How I got this is beyond me. It sounds like something somebody might be really into, but I'll listen in passing.
06 Howlin Wolf - Built For Comfort.mp3
You can't do wrong with songs about fat dudes.
07 You Say Party! We Say Die! - Stockholm Syndrome Part One.mp3
Cheerleaders shouldn't do drugs and play keyboards.
08 Gore Gore Girls - Sweet Potato.mp3
They came to town the other week and yep, I missed it.
09 Weather Report - Cannon Ball (live).mp3
You should listen to more jazz.
10 Green River - One More Stitch.mp3
Besides breaking up and forming Mudhoney and Pearl Jam, Green River was a pretty sweet regional act.
11 Speech Excerpt, 1963, Martin Luther King, I had a Dream.mp3
I downloaded an album of American History songs hoping it would be educational or at least entertaining. This was neither. How could you make this speech any more soulless or patronizing than this track? Sorry, kids.
12 Hidden Cameras - Day is Dawning.mp3
Hidden Cameras is one of those bands all the critics like but nobody hears. Check 'em out.
13 Bobby Digital - Insomnia (feat Jay Love)(bonus).mp3
RZA's soundtrack for Afro Samurai can't be considered a real album but it provides decent ambiance.
14 Troggs - Get You Tonight.mp3
Classic garage rock
15 Al Green - Stand Up.mp3
Oooh, that's nice.
16 Boat - Songs That You Might Not Like.mp3
The last track to Boat's album Songs That You Might Not Like is a self-conscious throw-off with the same title.
17 Killers - When You Were Young (Jacques Lu Cont Remix).mp3
Maybe someday I'll really get into The Killers. I'll keep giving them a chance.
18 Muse - City Of Delusion.mp3
Muse was the band I unpacked my new apartment to. It sounded pretty majestic bouncing off empty walls and floors.
19 TV On The Radio - Me-I.mp3
This is a B-side from the Warm & Scratchy compilation. I wonder how long they took to make this sound like they weren't trying?
20 Johnny Cash - Orleans Parish Prison (live).mp3I just looked up this old song to find out if it had a backstory. According to Wikipedia, there's an uglier, newer history: "Orleans Parish Prison, a detention complex in Orleans Parish, Louisiana where inmates were reportedly abandoned in their cells during the flooding following Hurricane Katrina." Oops.
21 Beatles - Octopus's Garden (Love remix).mp3 Personally I prefer the Grey Album, but that's not as slick.
22 Grandmaster Melle Mel & The Furious 5 - Free Style.mp3
I should listen to more old-school rap, even if this isn't so old-school. Here it's the late 80s and you can tell they're trying to go gangsta.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Free Space

While at Jim's Steakout tonight, roommate Dave found copies of a free publication called the Bingo Bugle. In giant letters on the front page is the headline "CELEBRATING THE BINGO LIFESTYLE." "The Bingo Bugle is a celebration of this lifestyle," the paper continues, "with articles on travel, health, humanity, puzzles, astrology and other topics of interest."
I couldn't wait to read it. And it's monthly!
Inside is a doozy: excerpts from a short story by mystery writer Elaine Viets called Sex and Bingo:
It was a summer of sex and Bingo.
Where Helen came from, Bingo had nothing to do with sex. In her hometown of St. Louis, Bingo was a game for women gamblers. They were serious and gray-haired. Stick cigars in their mouths, and they'd look like the men who played high stakes poker.
But on a cruise ship, everything was different. Even Bingo.
I don't want you too hot and bothered so I'll stop right there. You can read the tantalizing, gray-haired details by buying the book. It's for sale on Amazon for $0.03.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
The Food Album
It's on Amazon
If you spend time with me you may wonder why I take photos of all my food. I wish I could answer that. Maybe it's because of the communal nature of eating or the association of going to restaurants and bars with group events. In any case, this is every food-related picture I can find on my computer. Have you gone out to eat with me since I bought this computer in August 2006? Then you're in it. Honest, you don't look that bad in person.
Also, this slideshow explicates just how bloody difficult it is to take pictures in a restaurant. The dim lighting, the closeness of the food, the aversion to letting off a flash in a crowded room, and copious amounts of cheap beer really hamper the effort. Some photos are retaken but fewer look any good. How do those recipe book people do it?
Also also, there's a shot of a garden store in here. Oops! This post could not exist without the fine folks at WFMU, who found the amazing soundtrack for this slideshow.
If you spend time with me you may wonder why I take photos of all my food. I wish I could answer that. Maybe it's because of the communal nature of eating or the association of going to restaurants and bars with group events. In any case, this is every food-related picture I can find on my computer. Have you gone out to eat with me since I bought this computer in August 2006? Then you're in it. Honest, you don't look that bad in person.
Also, this slideshow explicates just how bloody difficult it is to take pictures in a restaurant. The dim lighting, the closeness of the food, the aversion to letting off a flash in a crowded room, and copious amounts of cheap beer really hamper the effort. Some photos are retaken but fewer look any good. How do those recipe book people do it?
Also also, there's a shot of a garden store in here. Oops! This post could not exist without the fine folks at WFMU, who found the amazing soundtrack for this slideshow.
80 Minutes for 2 December 2007

Several weeks ago I posted some hot pop jams from 1955-1959, mostly rockabilly stuff. Here are some more .mp3s from 1960-1964 with some early rock and R&B. You can download them all as a .zip file or individually. If you're interested in any expired links, my AIM is my Blogger name.
01 Shirelles - Soldier Boy sounds a lot like Sonic Youth's Little Trouble Girl, doesn't it?
02 Shirelles - Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow is one of the best songs of the era. I have a copy of the Afghan Whigs' version, if you're interested. Another artist with two tracks here is
03 Gary "U.S." Bonds - New Orleans which starts out sounding like the theme to Battletoads, if you can remember that. They also reference the 1959 song The Battle Of New Orleans if you can remember that one, too. Gary also sings
04 Gary "U.S." Bonds - Quarter To Three which sounds a whole lot like . . . what's that song again?
05 Dion - Runaround Sue Oh, that's the one. Then we have some songs about cars, such as
06 Jan & Dean - The Little Old Lady From Pasadena which always sounded scarily too much like the Beach Boys,
07 Ronny & The Daytonas - G.T.O. which makes me wonder if they created their name solely from the subject of their breakout hit, and
08 Little Eva - The Loco-Motion. That's a stretch, but do you remember when Vanessa and her friends made a music video for this on The Cosby Show? A more vehicle-based song would probably be
09 Shangri-Las - Leader Of The Pack. It's both corny and ahead of its time simultaneously. NPR spent an hour analyzing this song a few months ago. Another song ahead of its time is
10 Booker T. and the M.G.'s - Green Onions. And you know what doesn't mix with green onions?
11 Dartells - Hot Pastrami. And you know what you look like when you eat green onions and hot pastrami?
12 Ikettes - I'm Blue. Then again, if you work with Ike you may be black and blue. The's redid this song on Kill Bill. While your blue self suffers from food poisoning I'm sure you'll be
13 Bobby Lewis - Tossin' and Turnin' all night. Unless you're a large African feline, which is the worst segue ever into
14 Tokens - The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh). The song is derived from an old African song called Mbube, the Zulu word for "lion." Look it up!
15 Bobby "Blue" Bland - Turn On Your Love Light was stolen by the Blues Brothers and a million others. Bland probably stole this as well. Another truly great song is
16 Drifters - Up On The Roof. While you can't listen to old records on the roof, you can hear the
17 Cascades - Rhythm Of The Rain. Another thing you should never do on the roof is
18 Chuck Jackson - Let's Dance. Save that for someplace safer, like
19 Martha & The Vandellas - Dancing In The Street. Once you're down there you can
20 Marvin Gaye - Hitch Hike (The Velvet Underground totally stole that opener.) to
21 Freddy Cannon - Palisades Park, later covered by the Beach Boys and the Ramones.
22 Chris Kenner - I Like It Like That - or as I remember the commercial,
22 Chris Kenner - (Cold Miller Light) I Like It Like That. Another song used in a beverage commercial was
23 Doris Payne - Just One Look, except it involved Pepsi and Cindy Crawford. She always looked weird, didn't she? With that mole?
24 Impressions - Gypsy Woman is about a similar odd lady. An even weirder, more exotic female is discussed in
25 Coasters - Little Egypt, which pretty much has the same plot as the Coasters' Mexico. The next five songs are put in alphabetical order of their onomatopoeitic lyrics:
26 Hollywood Argyles - Alley-Oop, based on the comic strip and covered by the Beach Boys,
27 Regents - Barbara-Ann (ba ba ba, ba Barbara-Ann) also covered by the Beach Boys,
28 Raindrops - The Kind Of Boy You Can't Forget
(Diddle iddle iddle-it)
29 Neil Sedaka - Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
(Down doobie do down down), and
30 Dee Dee Ford - I Need Your Lovin'
(Woah woah woah WOAH! Woah woah). Finally, a song without words at all.
31 Rockin' Rebels - Wild Weekend. And what a wild weekend it was, sleeping for twelve straight hours. I have to go back to it right now.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Faux Toes
With the end of the year less than a year away, I felt it time to post some pictures I couldn't put in any other posts. You'll see a few more of these in the month.
Firstly, you have to try a place called the Viking Lobster Company in Black Rock. Joe, Jim and I spent a good hour trying to finish off some delicious lobster with a kitchen sink's worth of extras. That's my lobster on the bottom, stuffed with scallops, crab, clams, jumbo shrimp, and FLAVOR. It's $30 with a soup and salad. Did I mention that local celebrity Don Postles was there with his friends and family? Now that's classy!

You know what's really classy? Big glasses at a Congressional Hearing! Dave yelled for me to get the camera when he was flipping through C-SPAN. Actually, her big glasses say "Stop Spying" which is pretty intelligent statement if you think about it.
Oh wait! That reminds me: you know what's really REALLY classy?

When I opened my new locker in school I was in for a pleasant surprise. It's really been an inspiration this semester, even when they cut me from cheerleading squad. :(

You'll have to enlarge this one, but it was on sale at the Architecture In Helsinki show.

My roommate was too afraid to kill this bug. With shoes on. Come on.

In worse news, an old, refurbished church building burned about two blocks from our house. Damages exceed $1.2 million. They published a picture just like this in the paper and I wanted to be cool. Still, it's really too bad.
Firstly, you have to try a place called the Viking Lobster Company in Black Rock. Joe, Jim and I spent a good hour trying to finish off some delicious lobster with a kitchen sink's worth of extras. That's my lobster on the bottom, stuffed with scallops, crab, clams, jumbo shrimp, and FLAVOR. It's $30 with a soup and salad. Did I mention that local celebrity Don Postles was there with his friends and family? Now that's classy!

You know what's really classy? Big glasses at a Congressional Hearing! Dave yelled for me to get the camera when he was flipping through C-SPAN. Actually, her big glasses say "Stop Spying" which is pretty intelligent statement if you think about it.
Oh wait! That reminds me: you know what's really REALLY classy?
When I opened my new locker in school I was in for a pleasant surprise. It's really been an inspiration this semester, even when they cut me from cheerleading squad. :(

You'll have to enlarge this one, but it was on sale at the Architecture In Helsinki show.
My roommate was too afraid to kill this bug. With shoes on. Come on.
In worse news, an old, refurbished church building burned about two blocks from our house. Damages exceed $1.2 million. They published a picture just like this in the paper and I wanted to be cool. Still, it's really too bad.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Even Rocky Had A Montage
This fall I partook of Open Doors Buffalo for an afternoon, part of the now-yearly Doors Open Niagara. Sounds like time for a photo montage! Here are some pix from the Coit House (the oldest building in Buffalo), The Mansion on Delaware, the Buffalo State College Maritime Center, Corpus Christi Church, the Ukrainian Club, the Colored Musicians Club, and few others. The music is a song called "The Scar That Never Heals" by someone named Jeremy Fisher.
For the heck of it, here too are some striking writers with "Not The Daily Show."
This fall I partook of Open Doors Buffalo for an afternoon, part of the now-yearly Doors Open Niagara. Sounds like time for a photo montage! Here are some pix from the Coit House (the oldest building in Buffalo), The Mansion on Delaware, the Buffalo State College Maritime Center, Corpus Christi Church, the Ukrainian Club, the Colored Musicians Club, and few others. The music is a song called "The Scar That Never Heals" by someone named Jeremy Fisher.
For the heck of it, here too are some striking writers with "Not The Daily Show."
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Broadway Market Xmas
Xian Xmas
Roommate Dave and I enjoyed Black Thursday more than most: both of us were paid to be there. I personally witnessed the sell-out of several hundred Tim Allen DVDs in minutes; Dave tagged along with two middle-aged ladies for a news report but only if he promised to "keep up." We emerged richer, yet tired.
Remembering also our Thanksgiving ceremonies from the night before, on Saturday morning we looked for something to do that didn't involve shopping or eating. Shopping and eating, however, why not? We headed over to Buffalo's Broadway Market for the Christmas Food Fair.

The BM is located in Buffalo's old Polish section so I made sure to try a few pierogis. The city recently lost a close competition for the title "Pierogi Capital" to Binghamton, New York, of all freakin' places. In all I got the pierogis, a 12" panini, the best Ă©clair I've ever tasted and 1.5 pounds of soda for under $10. The place even takes food stamps, so you might want to check it out.

Santa even showed up to scare the little kids.

Those ragtime vaudevillians from Family Guy also played some tunes.

Afterwards we drove around Paderewski Drive to discover someone's carved up an October Surprise Tree near the Central Terminal. Looks like it's a work in progress.

Finally, a picture of the dog enjoying Thanksgiving turkey. On the couch. Bad dog.
Roommate Dave and I enjoyed Black Thursday more than most: both of us were paid to be there. I personally witnessed the sell-out of several hundred Tim Allen DVDs in minutes; Dave tagged along with two middle-aged ladies for a news report but only if he promised to "keep up." We emerged richer, yet tired.

Remembering also our Thanksgiving ceremonies from the night before, on Saturday morning we looked for something to do that didn't involve shopping or eating. Shopping and eating, however, why not? We headed over to Buffalo's Broadway Market for the Christmas Food Fair.

The BM is located in Buffalo's old Polish section so I made sure to try a few pierogis. The city recently lost a close competition for the title "Pierogi Capital" to Binghamton, New York, of all freakin' places. In all I got the pierogis, a 12" panini, the best Ă©clair I've ever tasted and 1.5 pounds of soda for under $10. The place even takes food stamps, so you might want to check it out.

Santa even showed up to scare the little kids.

Those ragtime vaudevillians from Family Guy also played some tunes.

Afterwards we drove around Paderewski Drive to discover someone's carved up an October Surprise Tree near the Central Terminal. Looks like it's a work in progress.

Finally, a picture of the dog enjoying Thanksgiving turkey. On the couch. Bad dog.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Ode to Christine

Oh, Christine. The memories flood my mind like Katrina in the Ninth Ward. When we met in 2001 . . . my, what a blissful year that was.

I was a time-hardened victim of love and loss. She, a retired cosmonaut with a sense of danger. Christine ran into me as I graffitied my name on a rock out of spite for the world that had left me behind. Suddenly my artwork changed, my life reborn.

True love indeed. For the next five years, at least.

We picnicked with Kat and Bud in the summer of '03. Then we robbed a credit union out of $973. Kat and Bud drove a separate getaway car and we never saw them again. Christine and I spent the evening drinking Coronas and watching an absolutely perfect sunset.

The longer we stayed together, the harder it was to find good rocks to write our name on. Christine ventured farther out onto shakier, steeper cliffs.

For our Wood Anniversary we went back to the spot at Riverside Park where it all started. It had been a while, and we were rusty, but our spirits were high. We discovered this rock far out past the sandbar and gave it a go. As I prepared the camera for this shot, I heard the splash you see here. This was the last I ever saw of sweet Christine.

I'll miss you always. She's out amongst the stars, just like she always dreamed about. All I can do is blog the pain away.
Architecture In Helsinki in Buffalo Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Here's a lost clip from last month's Architecture in Helsinki show. Enjoy:
Check my earlier post for my other AiH videos.
Check my earlier post for my other AiH videos.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Daft Punk, Deft Choreography
Here's a famous homemade video of Daft Punk's "Harder Better Faster Stronger" as well as a very good knock-off. The first video is a little longer; try syncing them up. Phonics!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A/V for the VA
The only network show I watch is on strike. And I only watch it on DVD so I agree with the writers.
Buffalo Bills running back Marshawn Lynch has really taken to our city's cultural offerings.
Here's Danko Jones (the man) playing with The McBrides (the band) a cover by Tin Lizzy (the legend).
You've probably seen this.
Finally, good buddy Ed is living in Germany and sent us this photo of this advertisement. Who's thirsty?
Buffalo Bills running back Marshawn Lynch has really taken to our city's cultural offerings.
Here's Danko Jones (the man) playing with The McBrides (the band) a cover by Tin Lizzy (the legend).
You've probably seen this.
Finally, good buddy Ed is living in Germany and sent us this photo of this advertisement. Who's thirsty?
Saturday, November 10, 2007
One of my most popular posts has been one where I simply posted an E-mail hoax verbatim with a smarmy "Who believes this crap?" remark. The only possible reason for this is that a large population still researches to see if Bill Gates really WILL give them free money for Forwarding This Message. Today I cleaned out my Yahoo! E-mail account for the first time in 6 months and found dozens of other examples. Below I've reprinted the ones I've received this month alone. For anyone who's wondering, these are called Nigerian or 419 scams, based on the usual country of origin or law they're breaking, respectively. They all promise you lots of money but--oh wait--you have to send them money to get it. Shouldn't that sound shady from the get-go? So don't believe this crap anymore, okay?
Finally, all these E-mails slipped through Yahoo!'s filter, going a long way to show why I don't use that account much anymore. --ts0
Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:44:02 +0200
Microsoft Award Team
20 Craven Park , Harlesden London NW10 United Kingdom
Ref: BTD/968/05
Batch: 409978
Dear winner,
The prestigious Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test marking the year 2007 anniversary we rolled out over GBP£4,429,864 for our end of year Anniversary Draws. Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we enjoy their patronage.
The selection was made through a computer draw system attaching personalized email addresses to ticket numbers. If you ignore this, you will regret it later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to ticket number 008795727498 with serial numbers BTD/9080648302/06 and drew the lucky numbers 14-21-25-39-40-47(20) which subsequently won you (£200,000,00 Two Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds) as one of the 5 jackpot winners in this draw.
You have therefore won the entire winning sum of £1,50,000.00 One Million Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds) The draws registered as Draw number one was conducted in Brockley, London United Kingdom on the 1th of Oct,2007. These Draws are commemorative and as such special.
Please be informed by this winning notification, to file your claim, you are to make contact with your designated agent who shall by duty guide you through the process to facilitate the release of your prize. To file for your claim Please Contact your delivery agency in the contact information below.
OFFICE ADDRESS: 60 Great Ormond Street London ,WC1N 3HR United- Kingdom.
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Our special thanks and gratitude to Bill Gates and his associates. We wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune in this season.
Note: You have One week from the date of this publication to claim your prize or you may forefeet your winnings. In compliance with the sponsoring bodies’, you are to make a remittance of a part of your won fund, not lower than 10-percent, after receiving your allocation to a charity organization
Thank you for being part of our commemorative end of year Anniversary Draws
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Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:00:03 +0200
Nelson Mandela
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Ref. File No.:KPC/9030108308/07
Batch: 15/76/EF36
Serial No: SALP97585
Ticket No: B9665 75608567 775
Drew The Winning: 04/13/21/27/36/3
Congratulations!!! We wishes to use this medium to officially notify you on the final notification that your Email Name and Company has being selected among the 100 Star/Lucky Winners Worldwide for the South African/United Kingdom Money Balls Lotteries Promotional Programme based on the South African 2010 World Cup. You're Name and Ref. File Number has therefore been approved to claim a Total Sum of US$ (One Million United States Dollars) in cash credited to REF. FILE NO# (KPC/9030108308/07).
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6, Your Winning information’s
7, Occupation
8, Mode Of Payment {Bank Transfer or coming for your claim)
For Security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information CONFIDENTIAL till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you for being one of our Lucky Winners of this Lottery prize.
congratulations!!! congratulations!!!
Mrs. Guten P Latimo
(Lottery Coordinator)
Also your claim award included with Free Flight Ticket and Seven (7) Days Hotel Reservation in one of the Five Star Hotels during the World Cup Festive in 2010.The Validity period of the winnings is for 30 working days hence you are expected to make your claims immediately and winners under the age of 18 years are automatically disqualified
From: "Elizabeth Benson" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: From Mrs Elizabeth Benson
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 14:01:18 -0600
From Mrs Elizabeth Benson
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire,
I know this may come as surprise and sceptic to you.Since we do not know each other,but i am contacting you with trust and faith I have, that you will never fail me.
My name is Mrs Elizabeth Benson a nationality of Liberia. I am married to late Mr. Frank Benson who worked with Liberia embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year Octorber 2005. We were married for twenty years with a child. He died after a the illness that lasted for long four days.Before his death we were both a good Christians.
When my late husband was alive we deposited the sum of $5. Million (Five Million U.S.Dollars) with one of Good banks here in Cote d'Ivoire . Presently, this money is still with the bank.I have been diagnose with Esophageal cancer .It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts.Recently my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next One months due to my cancer problem.Though what disturbs me most is my stroke. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to mosque or better still a muslim individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in.
I want a person or Christians and muslim member too that will use this fund to orphanages, research centres and widows propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. The Holy words made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore this is why i seek for your assistance, I once asked try a member of my family to distribute the money which I gave him to the charity organization here they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be ontended with what I have left for them.
I took this decision because I have a child that will inherit this money but my son can not carryout this work only because i and my late husband decide to use some of the money to work for God and live some for our son to have a better live. our son is just 16year old now and been grow up in africa, he have low manterity and my husband´s relatives are not Christians and I don´t want my family hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers,i don´t want a situation where this money will be used in any way that those not concern the will of God. Hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going to. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the God. I want your telephone communication in this regard because of my health because of the presence of my family relatives around me always.
I don´t want any of my husband family relatives to recieve this money. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Finance/bank. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the new beneficiary of this fund. I want you and your muslim individual to always pray for me because the God is my shepherd. My happiness is that I live a life of a worthy Christians,Whoever that wants to serve God must serve him in truth, Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for a mosque or muslim individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here.
I pray to God for his providence for a smooth transfer.
If this picks your interest, please do contact me immediately for more details . I will be highly appreciate to receive your telephone and fax number.I awaits your reply.
Remain blessed in the name of the God.
Mrs Elizabeth Benson
From: "Bill Richard" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:51:13 +0000
22 Garden Close, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2YP, London
United Kingdom.
Reference Number: BMW:2551256003/23
The Board of Directors, members of staff and the International Awareness Promotion Department, wishes to congratulate you on your success as the STAR PRIZE WINNER in this years' International Awareness Promotion (IAP) held on 0n 24th of March 2007, in London, England.
This makes you the proud owner of a brand new BMW 5 Series, M Sport Saloon car and a cash prize of £450,000.00 GBP (Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British pounds). The car comes with a special BMW Insurance Cover for one whole year, that is, till the next promotion in 2008. It also comes with a one year warranty and FREE repairs at any BMW AUTOMOBILE depot or service station worldwide.
YEAR: 2006, MODEL: 550i M Sport Saloon
The selection process was carried out through random selection in our Computerized Email Selection System (C.E.S.S.) from a database of over a million email addresses from the world wide web. Each email address was attached to a ticket number and your email address with ticket number: 5647600545188 and serial number: BMWP/556543450906 was randomly selected as the star prize winner amongst other consolation prize winners.
For you to collect your prizes, kindly fill the verification form below and send it to the Claims Manager, of our claims department through email, stating your receipt of this notification. He has been mandated to offer you assistance and facilitate the urgent delivery of your prizes.
Claims Manager:
Mr. Bill Richard.
Claims Department.
Tel : + 44 703 191 7669
2.) AGE:
3.) SEX:
8.) PHONE............ FAX: ........................
Congratulations once more, and keep trusting BMW Automobile for top quality automobiles.
From: "Mrs. Lucia Boris" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: My Dear Chosen Family Mr/Mrs Schrock,
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 14:51:27 +0000
My Dear Chosen Family Mr/Mrs Schrock,
Godly Opinion:
I crave your indulgence at this mail coming from somebody you have not known before. I decided to do this after praying over the situation.
You should please consider the transaction on its content and not the fact that you have not known me before. I need not dwell on how I came by your contact information because there are many such possibilities these days.
I am Mrs. Lucia Boris ,of Republic of Benin, West Africa, widow to Late Mr.Croft Boris (for Consular of the Republic Of Benin embassy in Tunis Tunisia,) I have been recently been diagnosed of Cancer of the Pelvic.
I am writing from my sick bed.
My reason of contact is about US$5.5 Million ($Five Million Five Hundred United States Dollars) my husband has in Secutity and Fiance house of which I am the next of kin. Going by my health condition and because my husband and I have no children, I am looking for a credible person to whom I will pass the right of next of kin.
You the sole person will apply to the Security Company and request for the transfer of the fund to your care through our family lawyer.
What is expected of you?
This is on the condition that you will take 50% of the fund for yourself, while you will use the remaining 50% for the less privilege people in the society. This is in fulfilment of the last request of my late husband: that a substantial part of the fund be used to carter for the less privileged the motherless and the most stripped.
If this condition is acceptable to you, you should contact me immediately with your full names, Direct Telephone number and contact information so that I will ask our family lawyer to prepare the document of authorization that will give you the right of next of kin to the Fund.
Our Family lawyer will also give you a text of the application which you are to send to the Secuity And Finance house where the money is logded.
I cannot predict what will be my fate by the time the fund will be transferred into your account, but you should please ensure that the fund is used as i have described above, please indicate your interest via my private e-mail address:
Mrs. Lucia Boris
Inform me all your details.
Name :
Country Of origin :
Tel/Moblie :
Age :
From: "macanthony williams" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Dear friend
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 11:29:16 -0600
Dear friend
it is my warmest pleasure writing you this confidential business letter with a view that you will accept my request and give me positive response hence, time is essence. My name is Barr Macanthony Williams, I received a letter from a Finance company here requesting for the next of kin to my deceased client. The Letter Stated that I should provide to them the next of kin to my late client to claim the money he deposited in a fixed deposit with finance company two years ago before his death. The Finance company is aware of his death, though he was not married, neither did he leave a Neither "WILL" nor is Specified next of kin, the finance company anticipating someone to come along for the claims.
As it is, no one can put up claims except someone recommended from my Office as the Lawyer of the decease. All efforts to get his family relatives have been abortive. I solicit that you allow me Introduce you as his the next of kin/relative of my late client. He was aged 56. He Lived and worked here as a foreigner and requested to be
buried here.
Kindly let me know if you are interested so that I can give you further details and certain other documents to enable you contact the finance company for release of the funds to you. I have spoken with the manager of the finance company on this matter extensively and he is waiting for your introduction to the finance company according to his directives.
All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us seeing this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law and I will brief you on the details upon your response.
Furthermore, in your response include =
1; your telephone number for easy and official conversation.
2; your age
3; Home address
4; sex
5, Your full name
6, your occupation
Barr Macanthony Williams.
From: "Greg moyo" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: (NATIONAL LOTTERY SOUTH AFRICA,,SA LIVE ''N,,LUCKY call us TEL +27-733-181-653 )
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 08:31:03 +0200
THE SUM OF US$ 850,000,00
PHONE NO.+27-733-181-653,
Participants of this drew were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,500,000 email addresses of individuals and companies from all part of the world as part of our electronic business Promotions Program.
Note that your email address qualified for the draw, as a result of your visiting various websites we are running the e-business promotions for.
You/Your Company email address, attached to ticket number 100-309-7482, with serial number 513-10 drew the lucky numbers 3, 8, 13, 22, 27, 41 and Bonus number 12 and consequently YOU HAVE won in the first Category.
Your winning Ticket is Number. 343-221-8756
Your Serial Number. 454-17
your lucky draw Numbers are. 3, 8, 13, 22, 27, 41 Bonus Number 12
Your INSURANCE Number: FLS433/453L/GMSA
Please be informed that your CHEQUE of the sum of US$850,000.00 is now with National lottery Finance and Insurance Company insured with your email address which won you this prize,
therefore you should contact National lottery your agent and give them your full name so that they will re-insure your CHEQUE under your full name.
Please note that National lottery your paying agent, will invite you to their office in Johannesburg South Africa for your immediate payment, you have to hurry up and contact them immediately.
To begin your claim, please call your claim agent immediately, and also to send an urgent message to Mr.Nelson Dube through Phone or Email address.
NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers and other information provided above and below in every one of your correspondences with your claims agent.
Congratulations'' once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program.
MR.Greg Moyo
2nd Floor SABC
Radio Park Building
Auckland Park, 2006 Henley Road.
Johannesburg, South Africa.
AS THE 2010
Mr. Greg Moyo
Promotion Manager
Nelson Mandela Nelson Madiba Mandela
Mr. Joseph Sepp Blatter
[FIFA President]
Savery, Aldwin Abraham, Vicki
Mr James Stevenson Mr. Rudolf P. Markhams Mrs. Rosemary Muss
(Promotion Manager) (Zonal Co-ordinator) (Board Member)
100860 8556 2548 9576ZA
From: "mike sipo" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Subject: John Louis
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 15:13:04 +0100
From Mr. John Louis
London, United Kingdom
Phone:+ 44 703 1914982
Dear Freind,
Permit me to introduce myself as Mr. John Louis. I am a Liberian citizen and a diplomat newly posted to London .
I got your details from a Liberian attaché in the Liberia Embassy, United Kingdom Embassy of the Republic of Liberia 23 Fitzroy Square
London W1 6EW . I have need for the cooperation and assistance of a person that i can trust from your country to receive in your country from London , a certain sum of money to be designated for investment purposes in your country. The funds in question originated from Liberia but are presently in London , which happens not to be the final destination. This is the primary reason for my posting to London .
I will attempt to place a phone call to you after this mail in order that this matter can be further discussed. Should you be interested in this matter, all pertinent details shall be obliged you in subsequent mail. However, it is important to state categorically that the funds under reference are not laundered nor have any liens whatsoever.
I look forward to a fruitful negotiation with you.
Thanking you,
John Louis
+ 44 703 1914982
Please reply to my private e-mail address:
From: "bright wapson" Add to Address BookAdd to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 18:23:51 +0800
(Customer Services)
We happily announce to you the draw of South African 2010 World Cup Bid
Lottery Award International programs held in U.K your "email address" was attached to ticket number;B9665 75604546 199 serial number 97560 This batch draws the lucky numbers as follows 60/84/27/17/36, bonus number 2, which consequently won the lottery in the second category.
Your name have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US$2,000.000.00(Two million United States Dollars) in cash credited to file KPC/9030108308/03 .This is from a total cash prize of US $ 30,000,000.00 (Thirty million United States dollars) shared among the first 200lucky winners in this category world-wide.
All participants "email address" were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand names from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceanic as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.
This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by some multinational companies and some other EU governmental personalities of their social responsibility to promote South Africans 2010 world cup award. The citizen in the communities where they have operational base.
To process your claims you are hereby advice to contact the Claim Agent
immediately with this information:
BATCH/WINNING NUMNBER:............................................
The lottery program took place to promote South Africans 2010 world cup award. Please you are advised to file for your claim immediately through our Agent in South Africa MR. David N. Wilson for the claim of your prize. Call him on the phone immediately you received this message because you stand a risk of loosing the prize if you fail to claim within two month from the day you received this notification.
His contact details are as follows...
NAME: Mr. David N. Wilson
TEL :+ 27-83-522-4595
For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize released to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid dual claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this program by non-participant or unofficial personnel.
Congratulations once again on your winnings!!!
Yours faithfully,
Online Co-coordinator
Finally, all these E-mails slipped through Yahoo!'s filter, going a long way to show why I don't use that account much anymore. --ts0
Mon, 15 Oct 2007 14:44:02 +0200
Microsoft Award Team
20 Craven Park , Harlesden London NW10 United Kingdom
Ref: BTD/968/05
Batch: 409978
Dear winner,
The prestigious Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test marking the year 2007 anniversary we rolled out over GBP£4,429,864 for our end of year Anniversary Draws. Participants for the draws were randomly selected and drawn from a wide range of web hosts which we enjoy their patronage.
The selection was made through a computer draw system attaching personalized email addresses to ticket numbers. If you ignore this, you will regret it later. Microsoft and AOL are now the largest Internet companies and in an effort to make sure that Internet Explorer remains the most widely used program, Microsoft and AOL are running an e-mail beta test.
Your email address as indicated was drawn and attached to ticket number 008795727498 with serial numbers BTD/9080648302/06 and drew the lucky numbers 14-21-25-39-40-47(20) which subsequently won you (£200,000,00 Two Hundred Thousand Great Britain Pounds) as one of the 5 jackpot winners in this draw.
You have therefore won the entire winning sum of £1,50,000.00 One Million Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds) The draws registered as Draw number one was conducted in Brockley, London United Kingdom on the 1th of Oct,2007. These Draws are commemorative and as such special.
Please be informed by this winning notification, to file your claim, you are to make contact with your designated agent who shall by duty guide you through the process to facilitate the release of your prize. To file for your claim Please Contact your delivery agency in the contact information below.
OFFICE ADDRESS: 60 Great Ormond Street London ,WC1N 3HR United- Kingdom.
YOUR FULL NAME:_______________________________________
PERMANENT ADDRESS:__________________________________
POSTAL CODE__________________________________________
FAX _________________________________________________
WINNING E-MAIL________________________________________
AMOUNT WON__________________________________________
BATCH NO:_____________________________________________
TICKET NO:____________________________________________
REFRENCE NO:__________________________________________
LUCKY NO:____________________________________________
SERIAL NO:____________________________________________
Our special thanks and gratitude to Bill Gates and his associates. We wish you the best of luck as you spend your good fortune in this season.
Note: You have One week from the date of this publication to claim your prize or you may forefeet your winnings. In compliance with the sponsoring bodies’, you are to make a remittance of a part of your won fund, not lower than 10-percent, after receiving your allocation to a charity organization
Thank you for being part of our commemorative end of year Anniversary Draws
Mrs. Rosse N
Microsoft Promotion Team
Vice President
Microsoft has obtained your contact details from public internet sources. We thought that you could be attracted to be part of this promotion with our company
© Copyright 2007 Microsoft Lottery promotion All Right Reserve"
From: "contact information"
Date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 10:00:03 +0200
Nelson Mandela
International Draw Auditors & Management
Co-ordinators Lotteries Headquarters
31, Brixon Court, Carlton East Gate,
South Africa
Ref. File No.:KPC/9030108308/07
Batch: 15/76/EF36
Serial No: SALP97585
Ticket No: B9665 75608567 775
Drew The Winning: 04/13/21/27/36/3
Congratulations!!! We wishes to use this medium to officially notify you on the final notification that your Email Name and Company has being selected among the 100 Star/Lucky Winners Worldwide for the South African/United Kingdom Money Balls Lotteries Promotional Programme based on the South African 2010 World Cup. You're Name and Ref. File Number has therefore been approved to claim a Total Sum of US$ (One Million United States Dollars) in cash credited to REF. FILE NO# (KPC/9030108308/07).
Approved and signed as the beneficiary to this fund in your name will be done and To file for your claim, please contact one of our Accredited/Authorized Representatives in order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications for verification.
South Africa Fiducial Agent Claim Office
Dr. Robert Williams
Tel: +27-83-371-2362
Fax: 27-86-513-0842
1, Your Full Names
2, Age
3, Present Contact Address
4, Country Of Residence
5, Phone Numbers & Country Code
6, Your Winning information’s
7, Occupation
8, Mode Of Payment {Bank Transfer or coming for your claim)
For Security reasons, you are advised to keep your winning information CONFIDENTIAL till your claims are processed and your money remitted to you for being one of our Lucky Winners of this Lottery prize.
congratulations!!! congratulations!!!
Mrs. Guten P Latimo
(Lottery Coordinator)
Also your claim award included with Free Flight Ticket and Seven (7) Days Hotel Reservation in one of the Five Star Hotels during the World Cup Festive in 2010.The Validity period of the winnings is for 30 working days hence you are expected to make your claims immediately and winners under the age of 18 years are automatically disqualified
From: "Elizabeth Benson"
Subject: From Mrs Elizabeth Benson
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 14:01:18 -0600
From Mrs Elizabeth Benson
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire,
I know this may come as surprise and sceptic to you.Since we do not know each other,but i am contacting you with trust and faith I have, that you will never fail me.
My name is Mrs Elizabeth Benson a nationality of Liberia. I am married to late Mr. Frank Benson who worked with Liberia embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year Octorber 2005. We were married for twenty years with a child. He died after a the illness that lasted for long four days.Before his death we were both a good Christians.
When my late husband was alive we deposited the sum of $5. Million (Five Million U.S.Dollars) with one of Good banks here in Cote d'Ivoire . Presently, this money is still with the bank.I have been diagnose with Esophageal cancer .It has defiled all forms of medical treatment, and right now I have only about a few months to live, according to medical experts.Recently my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next One months due to my cancer problem.Though what disturbs me most is my stroke. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to mosque or better still a muslim individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in.
I want a person or Christians and muslim member too that will use this fund to orphanages, research centres and widows propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is maintained. The Holy words made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore this is why i seek for your assistance, I once asked try a member of my family to distribute the money which I gave him to the charity organization here they refused and kept the money to themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, as they seem not to be ontended with what I have left for them.
I took this decision because I have a child that will inherit this money but my son can not carryout this work only because i and my late husband decide to use some of the money to work for God and live some for our son to have a better live. our son is just 16year old now and been grow up in africa, he have low manterity and my husband´s relatives are not Christians and I don´t want my family hard earned money to be misused by unbelievers,i don´t want a situation where this money will be used in any way that those not concern the will of God. Hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going to. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the God. I want your telephone communication in this regard because of my health because of the presence of my family relatives around me always.
I don´t want any of my husband family relatives to recieve this money. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Finance/bank. I will also issue you a letter of authority that will empower you as the new beneficiary of this fund. I want you and your muslim individual to always pray for me because the God is my shepherd. My happiness is that I live a life of a worthy Christians,Whoever that wants to serve God must serve him in truth, Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing for a mosque or muslim individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here.
I pray to God for his providence for a smooth transfer.
If this picks your interest, please do contact me immediately for more details . I will be highly appreciate to receive your telephone and fax number.I awaits your reply.
Remain blessed in the name of the God.
Mrs Elizabeth Benson
From: "Bill Richard"
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2007 11:51:13 +0000
22 Garden Close, Stamford, Lincs, PE9 2YP, London
United Kingdom.
Reference Number: BMW:2551256003/23
The Board of Directors, members of staff and the International Awareness Promotion Department, wishes to congratulate you on your success as the STAR PRIZE WINNER in this years' International Awareness Promotion (IAP) held on 0n 24th of March 2007, in London, England.
This makes you the proud owner of a brand new BMW 5 Series, M Sport Saloon car and a cash prize of £450,000.00 GBP (Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great British pounds). The car comes with a special BMW Insurance Cover for one whole year, that is, till the next promotion in 2008. It also comes with a one year warranty and FREE repairs at any BMW AUTOMOBILE depot or service station worldwide.
YEAR: 2006, MODEL: 550i M Sport Saloon
The selection process was carried out through random selection in our Computerized Email Selection System (C.E.S.S.) from a database of over a million email addresses from the world wide web. Each email address was attached to a ticket number and your email address with ticket number: 5647600545188 and serial number: BMWP/556543450906 was randomly selected as the star prize winner amongst other consolation prize winners.
For you to collect your prizes, kindly fill the verification form below and send it to the Claims Manager, of our claims department through email, stating your receipt of this notification. He has been mandated to offer you assistance and facilitate the urgent delivery of your prizes.
Claims Manager:
Mr. Bill Richard.
Claims Department.
Tel : + 44 703 191 7669
2.) AGE:
3.) SEX:
8.) PHONE............ FAX: ........................
Congratulations once more, and keep trusting BMW Automobile for top quality automobiles.
From: "Mrs. Lucia Boris"
Subject: My Dear Chosen Family Mr/Mrs Schrock,
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2007 14:51:27 +0000
My Dear Chosen Family Mr/Mrs Schrock,
Godly Opinion:
I crave your indulgence at this mail coming from somebody you have not known before. I decided to do this after praying over the situation.
You should please consider the transaction on its content and not the fact that you have not known me before. I need not dwell on how I came by your contact information because there are many such possibilities these days.
I am Mrs. Lucia Boris ,of Republic of Benin, West Africa, widow to Late Mr.Croft Boris (for Consular of the Republic Of Benin embassy in Tunis Tunisia,) I have been recently been diagnosed of Cancer of the Pelvic.
I am writing from my sick bed.
My reason of contact is about US$5.5 Million ($Five Million Five Hundred United States Dollars) my husband has in Secutity and Fiance house of which I am the next of kin. Going by my health condition and because my husband and I have no children, I am looking for a credible person to whom I will pass the right of next of kin.
You the sole person will apply to the Security Company and request for the transfer of the fund to your care through our family lawyer.
What is expected of you?
This is on the condition that you will take 50% of the fund for yourself, while you will use the remaining 50% for the less privilege people in the society. This is in fulfilment of the last request of my late husband: that a substantial part of the fund be used to carter for the less privileged the motherless and the most stripped.
If this condition is acceptable to you, you should contact me immediately with your full names, Direct Telephone number and contact information so that I will ask our family lawyer to prepare the document of authorization that will give you the right of next of kin to the Fund.
Our Family lawyer will also give you a text of the application which you are to send to the Secuity And Finance house where the money is logded.
I cannot predict what will be my fate by the time the fund will be transferred into your account, but you should please ensure that the fund is used as i have described above, please indicate your interest via my private e-mail address:
Mrs. Lucia Boris
Inform me all your details.
Name :
Country Of origin :
Tel/Moblie :
Age :
From: "macanthony williams"
Subject: Dear friend
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 11:29:16 -0600
Dear friend
it is my warmest pleasure writing you this confidential business letter with a view that you will accept my request and give me positive response hence, time is essence. My name is Barr Macanthony Williams, I received a letter from a Finance company here requesting for the next of kin to my deceased client. The Letter Stated that I should provide to them the next of kin to my late client to claim the money he deposited in a fixed deposit with finance company two years ago before his death. The Finance company is aware of his death, though he was not married, neither did he leave a Neither "WILL" nor is Specified next of kin, the finance company anticipating someone to come along for the claims.
As it is, no one can put up claims except someone recommended from my Office as the Lawyer of the decease. All efforts to get his family relatives have been abortive. I solicit that you allow me Introduce you as his the next of kin/relative of my late client. He was aged 56. He Lived and worked here as a foreigner and requested to be
buried here.
Kindly let me know if you are interested so that I can give you further details and certain other documents to enable you contact the finance company for release of the funds to you. I have spoken with the manager of the finance company on this matter extensively and he is waiting for your introduction to the finance company according to his directives.
All I require is your honest co-operation to enable us seeing this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law and I will brief you on the details upon your response.
Furthermore, in your response include =
1; your telephone number for easy and official conversation.
2; your age
3; Home address
4; sex
5, Your full name
6, your occupation
Barr Macanthony Williams.
From: "Greg moyo"
Subject: (NATIONAL LOTTERY SOUTH AFRICA,,SA LIVE ''N,,LUCKY call us TEL +27-733-181-653 )
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 08:31:03 +0200
THE SUM OF US$ 850,000,00
PHONE NO.+27-733-181-653,
Participants of this drew were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from 2,500,000 email addresses of individuals and companies from all part of the world as part of our electronic business Promotions Program.
Note that your email address qualified for the draw, as a result of your visiting various websites we are running the e-business promotions for.
You/Your Company email address, attached to ticket number 100-309-7482, with serial number 513-10 drew the lucky numbers 3, 8, 13, 22, 27, 41 and Bonus number 12 and consequently YOU HAVE won in the first Category.
Your winning Ticket is Number. 343-221-8756
Your Serial Number. 454-17
your lucky draw Numbers are. 3, 8, 13, 22, 27, 41 Bonus Number 12
Your INSURANCE Number: FLS433/453L/GMSA
Please be informed that your CHEQUE of the sum of US$850,000.00 is now with National lottery Finance and Insurance Company insured with your email address which won you this prize,
therefore you should contact National lottery your agent and give them your full name so that they will re-insure your CHEQUE under your full name.
Please note that National lottery your paying agent, will invite you to their office in Johannesburg South Africa for your immediate payment, you have to hurry up and contact them immediately.
To begin your claim, please call your claim agent immediately, and also to send an urgent message to Mr.Nelson Dube through Phone or Email address.
NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers and other information provided above and below in every one of your correspondences with your claims agent.
Congratulations'' once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotions program.
MR.Greg Moyo
2nd Floor SABC
Radio Park Building
Auckland Park, 2006 Henley Road.
Johannesburg, South Africa.
AS THE 2010
Mr. Greg Moyo
Promotion Manager
Nelson Mandela Nelson Madiba Mandela
Mr. Joseph Sepp Blatter
[FIFA President]
Savery, Aldwin Abraham, Vicki
Mr James Stevenson Mr. Rudolf P. Markhams Mrs. Rosemary Muss
(Promotion Manager) (Zonal Co-ordinator) (Board Member)
100860 8556 2548 9576ZA
From: "mike sipo"
Subject: John Louis
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 15:13:04 +0100
From Mr. John Louis
London, United Kingdom
Phone:+ 44 703 1914982
Dear Freind,
Permit me to introduce myself as Mr. John Louis. I am a Liberian citizen and a diplomat newly posted to London .
I got your details from a Liberian attaché in the Liberia Embassy, United Kingdom Embassy of the Republic of Liberia 23 Fitzroy Square
London W1 6EW . I have need for the cooperation and assistance of a person that i can trust from your country to receive in your country from London , a certain sum of money to be designated for investment purposes in your country. The funds in question originated from Liberia but are presently in London , which happens not to be the final destination. This is the primary reason for my posting to London .
I will attempt to place a phone call to you after this mail in order that this matter can be further discussed. Should you be interested in this matter, all pertinent details shall be obliged you in subsequent mail. However, it is important to state categorically that the funds under reference are not laundered nor have any liens whatsoever.
I look forward to a fruitful negotiation with you.
Thanking you,
John Louis
+ 44 703 1914982
Please reply to my private e-mail address:
From: "bright wapson"
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 18:23:51 +0800
(Customer Services)
We happily announce to you the draw of South African 2010 World Cup Bid
Lottery Award International programs held in U.K your "email address" was attached to ticket number;B9665 75604546 199 serial number 97560 This batch draws the lucky numbers as follows 60/84/27/17/36, bonus number 2, which consequently won the lottery in the second category.
Your name have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of US$2,000.000.00(Two million United States Dollars) in cash credited to file KPC/9030108308/03 .This is from a total cash prize of US $ 30,000,000.00 (Thirty million United States dollars) shared among the first 200lucky winners in this category world-wide.
All participants "email address" were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand names from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceanic as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.
This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by some multinational companies and some other EU governmental personalities of their social responsibility to promote South Africans 2010 world cup award. The citizen in the communities where they have operational base.
To process your claims you are hereby advice to contact the Claim Agent
immediately with this information:
BATCH/WINNING NUMNBER:............................................
The lottery program took place to promote South Africans 2010 world cup award. Please you are advised to file for your claim immediately through our Agent in South Africa MR. David N. Wilson for the claim of your prize. Call him on the phone immediately you received this message because you stand a risk of loosing the prize if you fail to claim within two month from the day you received this notification.
His contact details are as follows...
NAME: Mr. David N. Wilson
TEL :+ 27-83-522-4595
For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize released to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid dual claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this program by non-participant or unofficial personnel.
Congratulations once again on your winnings!!!
Yours faithfully,
Online Co-coordinator
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Beef on Weck Sushi

Joe got sick of those Facebook/MySpace profiles featuring those "look at me!" pictures of people drinking beer as if they're doing it on the moon. In response, he started posting Facebook picture of him stuffing his face with food. Everyone wish him luck on this latest endeavor. Scott and I joined Joe at the Sea Bar last month for some culinary fusion stuff.
Beef on Weck sushi is cooked beef with horseradish wrapped in rice and raw beef and sprinkled with kimmelweck seeds. It's GREAT. I also tried something called Zushi (picture #3 up there) that I also highly recommend.
IN OTHER NEWS, some history teacher at Sacred Heart Academy has been having inappropriate relations with at least one underage student. I know some people who had that teacher, but even creepier? On May 6th of this year I applied for a job teaching history at that school. That dude would have been my co-worker, and thank goodness he ain't.
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