I intend to make 100 posts this year. Currently the number is in the mid-80s so I'd better get cracking.
Yesterday I finally bought an external hard drive (500 gigs!) for all of my pictures, music, and videos. That means I could finally empty out my MP3 player of the 30 gigs of downloaded music I collected over the year. (And upload the 15 gigs I recently downloaded but haven't heard. Before that I pulled a The Onion's Random Rules to see what would come up if I hit "shuffle." You can download all 22 Tracks together or individually.
01 G Love & Special Sauce - When We Meet Again.mp3
They're coming to town next month!
02 Oh No - Heavy.mp3
Does anyone know where these samples come from? I've heard them all over
03 Guns n Roses - Raw Power.mp3
Oy, The Spaghetti Incident. At least it's a Stooges song.
04 Of Montreal - How Lester Lost His Wife (Pocket remix).mp3
I like Of Montreal's originality but sometimes they're a bit drab. The remixes help.
05 Marc Almond - Bedsitter Images.mp3
How I got this is beyond me. It sounds like something somebody might be really into, but I'll listen in passing.
06 Howlin Wolf - Built For Comfort.mp3
You can't do wrong with songs about fat dudes.
07 You Say Party! We Say Die! - Stockholm Syndrome Part One.mp3
Cheerleaders shouldn't do drugs and play keyboards.
08 Gore Gore Girls - Sweet Potato.mp3
They came to town the other week and yep, I missed it.
09 Weather Report - Cannon Ball (live).mp3
You should listen to more jazz.
10 Green River - One More Stitch.mp3
Besides breaking up and forming Mudhoney and Pearl Jam, Green River was a pretty sweet regional act.
11 Speech Excerpt, 1963, Martin Luther King, I had a Dream.mp3
I downloaded an album of American History songs hoping it would be educational or at least entertaining. This was neither. How could you make this speech any more soulless or patronizing than this track? Sorry, kids.
12 Hidden Cameras - Day is Dawning.mp3
Hidden Cameras is one of those bands all the critics like but nobody hears. Check 'em out.
13 Bobby Digital - Insomnia (feat Jay Love)(bonus).mp3
RZA's soundtrack for Afro Samurai can't be considered a real album but it provides decent ambiance.
14 Troggs - Get You Tonight.mp3
Classic garage rock
15 Al Green - Stand Up.mp3
Oooh, that's nice.
16 Boat - Songs That You Might Not Like.mp3
The last track to Boat's album Songs That You Might Not Like is a self-conscious throw-off with the same title.
17 Killers - When You Were Young (Jacques Lu Cont Remix).mp3
Maybe someday I'll really get into The Killers. I'll keep giving them a chance.
18 Muse - City Of Delusion.mp3
Muse was the band I unpacked my new apartment to. It sounded pretty majestic bouncing off empty walls and floors.
19 TV On The Radio - Me-I.mp3
This is a B-side from the Warm & Scratchy compilation. I wonder how long they took to make this sound like they weren't trying?
20 Johnny Cash - Orleans Parish Prison (live).mp3I just looked up this old song to find out if it had a backstory. According to Wikipedia, there's an uglier, newer history: "Orleans Parish Prison, a detention complex in Orleans Parish, Louisiana where inmates were reportedly abandoned in their cells during the flooding following Hurricane Katrina." Oops.
21 Beatles - Octopus's Garden (Love remix).mp3 Personally I prefer the Grey Album, but that's not as slick.
22 Grandmaster Melle Mel & The Furious 5 - Free Style.mp3
I should listen to more old-school rap, even if this isn't so old-school. Here it's the late 80s and you can tell they're trying to go gangsta.
Fred, which external hard drive did you go with? I need to get one soon.
Western Digital MyBook, sold at BJ's for $139. So far, so good. . . .
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