Saturday, March 15, 2003

CD: White Stripes, "De Stijl"

Some months ago I made what could be called the Mother Of All Mix Albums, or MOAMA, for some foreign guys at work. Tonight I pulled it out and copied to my laptop and dude, this is fun! Now I technically have my own portable MP3 player! Whee! And it's already loaded with 200 of my favorite songs. The best part is that I forgot what songs I put on the thing so I get a pleasant surprise every three minutes or so. Now I recall the three days it took for me to put the MOAMA together; how I fussed over song selection, how I tried to be eclectic (no band appears more than once) while still fitting everything in. Finally my hard work, though relatively still useless, is paying off. AND, as an added bonus, WinAmp is automatically fading in between tracks. Fantastic.

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