Wednesday, March 26, 2003

CD: Guided By Voices, "Isolation Drills"

There is a bookcase in my room that is about six feet parts. We found it one Christmas when the neighbors across the street threw it out. Covered with ice, we brought it upstairs. The wood is all bent up now, and it is probably getting worse because now it is loaded with a couple hundred books I don't read and another couple hundred records I don't listen to, not to mention the yearbooks I am ashamed to look at placed next to the stereo I can barely reach. Yet there it all sits. It's a monolith of furniture and an archives depository all at once. Now that it is full, what do I do with it? Should I go find more garbage as an add-on? should I buy Real bookshelves? Wait for an earthquake and see what's left? Good thing I don't really care.

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