Wednesday, March 12, 2003

CD: Green Day, "Warning"

I found this during my research and I though it was interesting. Some things never change . . . .

from "Republican Advocate" by D. C. Miller. Batavia, NY Fri. Evening 18 August 1826 VOL. 15, NO. 758
Pg. 3 col.1

<<“He who is not for us is against us.”—This is an old and trite saying—and whatever may be the hazard in any laudable untertaking, rendered necessary by the nature and state of things, the whimperings of nerveless friendship, doling out its fears of cousequences, is lost upon him whose purposes are as just as unchangeable; and could such friends duly estimate things, whey would consider their advice, as it really is—worthless. Armed with justice, none but cowards fear consequences. What are scoffs, threats and persecution to him who is bent upon purposes good? Simply stimulants to action, calling forth powers that put at defiance the demons of mischief.”<<

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