Friday, August 12, 2005

Those Darn Accordions

America's favorite rock 'n' roll accordion band

TODAY I SAW JOSH DISSEK. Oh man it was horrible. Did you know that he sucks? It's on the Web so it's true!

Dave and I also saw the band Great Big Sea, who harmonized and plucked like men possessed.

Then we bumped into Carlie, and here is the proof. It's been about two years, I think. FYI: the man on the left is time-traveling.

Normally, if you see someone after two (?) years conversation can be awkward. Dave made sure we got nice and comfy. FYI: the guy on the left is checking me out!

1 comment:

TomServo0 said...

Free show, free love? If only I weren't watching the band!