Sunday, August 07, 2005

Albums to Listen to While Reading Overwrought Pitchfork Reviews

David Cross: Pitchfork Artist List

Here's something to do: download the awesome mapping program at Google Earth (it's totally worth it) and tell me what you're looking at near these coordinates:

43 04'39.80" N 79 04'33.55" W
43 38'30.58" N 79 23'14.25" W
49 37'31.12" N 117 28'16.94" E
37 39'54.44" N 116 01'31.82" W
37 13'53.57" N 115 48'04.30" W
19 41'31.83" N 98 50'37.04" W
12 05'08.83" S 77 12'49.12" W
12 05'29.34" S 77 12'28.24" W
22 57'08.75" S 43 12'41.93" W
80 49'37.98" N 66 39'07.36" W
43 01'25.19" N 78 30'02.81" W

The first one to guess them all wins a shiny penny. Happy hunting!

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