Wednesday, January 29, 2003

CD: Soundgarden, "Down On The Upside"

Right now I am looking at my Gorby Dolls. Actually I guess they would be called Yeltsin Dolls but I've wanted a set for a long, long, time. You know those Russian wooden people witht the people inside, and when you open up one you get a smaller one and a smaller one, et cetera? They also come in a "Leaders of Russia" set. You got your Yeltsin, Gorbachev, Brezhnev, Kruschev, (sp?) Stalin, Lenin, and I think that's Czar Nicholas II in the very center, or just maybe they made Karl Marx instead. It's not up-to-date--no Putin--but hey, i's got all the Communists I need! I got it in East Berlin anyway so I wasn't expecting full modernization of doll technology anyway. But here's the Catch-22: You can't fully enjoy them unless you take them out and display them simultaneously, but the only way to have real fun with them is to keep them inside the big one to play with them later! What's an American to do?

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