Sunday, January 19, 2003

CD: Presidents Of The United States Of America, “Pure Frosting”

I am “teaching” a study hall right now. There is this one kid—where did he go? Oh, there he is—that just keeps staring at the computers longingly, as if at a picture of a long-lost lover. See, he spent the first ten minutes of the period typing OYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOYOY into the computer and turning on the computer voice to read it to the class. So we kicked him off. When it comes to computers in school, kids don’t think to themselves, “Yay, research!” It’s more like, “Darrr, com-pyoo-trz r fun!” and their brains stop. Computers are an excuse to NOT do work; four years in a wired dorm has taught me that lesson well. Now he sits in the back muttering “Now I’m so borrrrrrrrred.” Aw.

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