Wednesday, July 24, 2002

CD: various, "Ultra-Lounge 4: Bachelor Pad Royale"

Well you got your Leninist-Marxists and you got your Socialists and you got your Leftests and you got your Greens and you got your Moderate Liberals and then you got your Reactionary Democrats. And they all publish at least one paper that comes out here in Buffalo. And I might actually throw my support to some of these people were not their banter so redundant, trite, and prejudiciously partisanin terms of their treatment of the conservatives and the Republicans. I mean, really, none of these papers are actually saying anything different from one another, yet you have half a dozen papers telling me that Al Gore should have won the election. Back when I was impressionable, I skimmed my father's "Solidarity" magazine, which he got in the mail for being in the UAW. And even when I was 10 and couldn't tell the difference between Democrat, Republican, VHS, or Beta, I could tell that information was skewed to far to be trusted. In comparison it took me two more years to get the same feelings for Rush Limbaugh. If the conservatives wrote as many papers as these guys did I say the same stuff, but at least those guys aren't wasting my time like with the public propoganda of People's World Weekly.

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