Monday, July 01, 2002

CD: New Order, "Substance"

Three different factors can factors can create a feeling of fatigue. One of them is excessive heat, which slows the body down as it tries to cool off when it is 90+ degrees outside. A second is a lack of sleep, which can happen when one procrastinates on their grad school assignments resulting in two poor hours of sleep. [Please see previous post.] A third symptom is overeating, like when someone's personal "Finish It Off" diet plan requires that someone eat the last half of their mother's goulash casserole (yes, such a thing exists). All three of these factors met today for the first time at 2:30 PM EST in Western New York, where the author of this post remained completely incapacitated for much of the rest of the day. Scarily, the victim assesses that these same factors may again rejoin for a second deadly assault in about one hour. We'll keep you up-to-date with information as we get it.

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