Tuesday, May 20, 2008

British Sea Power/Jeffrey Lewis/The Rosebuds/The Stay Lows

Four bands? Twelve dollars? At the Tralf? This show was good before it even started.

The Stay Lows - Pretty much missed them. Heard good things about it but the singer sounded flat.
The Rosebuds - I think I liked them better than BSP. Catchy stuff. Their merch guy solved a Rubik's Cube on stage.
Jeffrey Lewis - Cut from the same cloth as pre-Bong Load Beck, if you can remember that stuff. NYC anti-folk. Makes his own coloring books, or something. He bootlegs his own CDs and I bought one from him for $6. Want to hear?

Back When I Was 4

British Sea Power put on a great performance. Their songs got into a decent groove after a couple minutes. Near the end I thought "Hey, I should video record the last song." Then a soccer game broke out. It's here in two sections because YouTube has time limits. Can you tell I was next to the speakers?

For kicks, here's another song from the show.

Finally, speaking of rock stars, look at Obama in Oregon. Holy crap.

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