Some jerk had a birthday recently and I had to go to the party. Lucky it involved copious amounts of chocolate, a three-course meal at Pearl Street where everything was cooked in beer (including the ice cream), and a Sabres victory. Some other stuff happened but I'll post about later.

Ye Olde M&T Plaza lit up for the game

Even the Unabomber has playoff fever
Late that afternoon, (I think it was Friday), your mom and I needed gas in our cars. She had a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger, I had a 1970 Chevrolet Impala. We went Akron Oil behind us where the road was all full of pot holes and very rough. I told your mom that she needed a rough ride for you to be born. We also needed to get groceries......So after the cars were filled, we went to PIXLEYS. We had just began shopping when your mom's water broke......there in the middle of the store. So we knew that this was the beginning of things to happen. We quickly left for home to get the things we needed...and for me to take a bath because I was still grubby from work. We left approx. 5:30 for the hospital.
We headed out down County Road to Transit. You guessed it.....Transit was only two lanes then up to Maple...Traffic was slow and congested. Well your mom was having major contractions at this point. With wanting to have you right there in the car. We speeded down Maple to the hospital arriving aprox 6:00 PM. They quickly took your mom to the delivery room where you were born a little past 6:30 PM.....
Happy Birthday Fred!!
In summary:
Mom: "Why are you going down this bumpy road?! Don't you know I'm nine months pregnant?!"
Dad: "It'll be good for you! What harm could come from shaking a baby?"
Mom: "My water broke."
Dad: "Whatever. I'm taking a bath."
Mom: "But I'm giving birth NOW!"
Dad: "Well I had a rough day at work! Not everything's about YOU, you know."
The Last Comment.......was uncalled for. Your birthday was a very special moment for you and your parents. If you ever heard of lamaze (sp.?) training , and what is taught, you would not have posted the last comment. Some mothers take a lomg time after the water breaks. Your mother happen to give birth a lot sooner than most. She did not have to suffer the pains of child birth very long of which is a fortunate thing. Give your Dad some credit will you! It sounds like he is a very caring father and this moment was very special......
Oh c'mon, I'm just goofin'.
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