'Cuz I don't! My computer crashed a month ago, and with three different jobs I haven't had the time to catch up. Let's back way up. . . . Here's Mayor Byron Brown introducing Sloan at Thursday at the Square. The guy on the left is his own ventriloquist!

Sloan, rockin'

A broken news crawl outside of City Hall

Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherf**king snakes at the motherf**king coffeehouse!

About a week later, I got into the Darwin Martin House for free. I used to have this Tree of Life design on a tee-shirt when I was twelve. Maybe I've revealed too much.

One of the best ways to frame a photo is to take a picture entirely of frames.

A honkin' big mirror

Reconstruction of the other wing. We got to climb up the ladder, whoo!

A model of what the house will look like. It will be extremely costly to build a glass case that big.

The landscaping is supposed to be done in about a week. Who wants to take bets?

Mollie and Jake check out the greenhouse.

Stagnant water + electrical wires = fun in the basement

A model of the Larkin Administration Building (just pretend you're interested).
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