Before I post pictures, everyone should know that Jerry of JERRY ON THE COUCH fame is now a frequent visitor to this blog. Everyone comment and say hello!

From a garage waiting area in Batavia, New York

Tim SchROCK accompanied me to the House of Guitars in Rochester. Here he marvels at the legendary Autograph Wall.

The record store section is a mess. I found this in a corner somewhere. I think I like the Green Album even more than Pinkerton, but don't tell the superfans.

Pete Best, former drummer for the Beatles, was here a couple weeks prior.

I'm told these Marshalls really work.

Autograph wall/back entrance to the record shop

The back end

This is Joe's cheesy Sorrento bike. He might have a hole in his tube.

With flash . . .

. . . and without.

Ed's foo-foo drink. Seriously guys, no more Shockers. They were funny six months ago.

Without flash . . .

. . . and with.

Chippewa was swinging for the first Thursday After The Square

Joe and half of Dave present the outdoor film schedule

The Mansion on Delaware

Wal-mart is open all night now, and busy. This was taken about 1 AM.

"Ed Is A." That's all for now.
1 comment:
Jerry, would you like to produce the next Cucumber + Ginseng CD?
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