Sunday, November 24, 2002

CD: Ravel, "Bolero"

As I sat trying to find extra room in my stomach for the fish fry special, a dreadful thought occurred to me: on Thanksgiving Day, I will be required to stuff inordinate amounts of [bland] food into my body in an act of blind patriotism. Chances are I won't be cooking it, and the chances are even greater that I won't deserve it. So while at the diner, stuffed, I decided that I will fast for Thanksgiving; well, as much as I can without looking rude. The leftovers usually last until Christmas dinner anyway, so I won't be missing anything. But I definitely won't have breakfast or lunch, and I'm thinking of skipping dinner the night before as well. We'll be going to Grandma's for pie later--I'll partake in that because if I don't I'll be disowned.

Which reminds me: the day after Thanksgiving is the busiest shopping day of the year. It is also National Don't Buy Anything Day, a protest against the pervasive commercialization of our culture. Instead of going shopping, spend some quality time with the family. Take a walk or make a snowman (where applicable), create handmade gifts, call a loved one. Don't let the Coca-Cola Santa tell you how to celebrate a religious holiday!

Or, just get some homework done. You promised you would...

"All I wanna do, zoom-a zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom" --Wreckz In Effect

"I wanna really really really wanna zig-a zig ha" --Spice Girls

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