DAVE is the man. DAVE got into the crazy-ass Sabres game last night. DAVE also has a press pass and interviewed coach Lindy Ruff after the game. You can hear DAVE by clicking HERE and then on "Lindy Ruff - Post Ottawa". He's near the very end. (Thanks for the link, Joe.)
Recently I've also been working on a photographic study of DAVE. Can you guess where DAVE is in each picture? Answers below.
A) The new Mexican place on Niagara Falls Boulevard B) Higher Grounds coffee shop B) New Era Cap Company store A) Rust Belt Books (it's like finding Waldo) #1) An odd house between Delaware and Linwood
Here's some foreshadowing for ya: DAVE also once recorded a song called Hockey Fights with internationally-renowned rock band Cucumber + Ginseng!
Even with a three-day weekend I don't have time to post anything substantial. Instead, I'll let you know that Stephen Colbert's "On Notice Board" Generator is still up and kicking. Over the Christmas break I filled out one board per day for an entire week. Go ahead, make your own!
Two months later, some pictures from Boston. I just learned how to edit video today so please be gentile.
Tim SchROCK shows us around his Boston area home. The inserted pictures come from my holiday tours of Harvard museums, Chinatown, and various other parts of Boston. The house before Condomworld is supposed to be Tom Brady's.
Hola muchachas! This semester has been a blast so far. Here's some miscellany from the past month.
First, actual news: my very first roommate in college, Micah, and his wife have just had their first baby, Sebastian. This picture is stolen from their website but they've already taken plenty more:
Second, I've harnessed 10,000 years of technological innovation and put a poll on the blog. My counter went up by about 500-1000 hits since I last made an MP3 post so I was hoping readers might want to offer some suggestions for the next one. Let's see if more than 10 people click on it.
Fourth, since I'm posting YouTube here's the guy from the Magnetic Fields versus someone on the exact opposite medication:
Innovative. Brash. Classic. I'm talking about the jacket.
Fif, Dave got this info from the Sam Roberts mailing list:
"We've decided to dig into the vaults to pull out a few old tracks. . . . The plan is that once a week, we're going to put up a different old/rare/demo track from our distant past, for your listening pleasure/scrutiny/horror. It will be posted as our fourth song at www.myspace.com/samrobertsband." MySpace: Internet for people who don't like using the Internet.* "Wow, you can send messages to other people and everything!"
No one cares about this, but here's the one-time recording of the Melvins and Nirvana performing as one band, Melvana: http://www.mediafire.com/bnjrygzeqtn In other music news, let's make a list. Who else is reuniting this year?
Sixth, I went to a screening of Triumph of the Will the other night. The place was PACKED. That's a pretty good showing for a film that's (1) in German, (2) 70 years old, (3) a documentary, and (4) Nazi propaganda. It even got applause at the end. (For the director's work only, of course.) And while the academic audience listened intently to everything Hitler said, they booed and hissed at Goebbels. Odd, huh? Now I find out this guy even has a sweet website and even his own blog, also not bad for a man who killed himself and his family at the end of World War II.
That should do it for now; my bookmarks list is clean again. I don't know if I'll go to a Super Bowl party tomorrow. Remember how gay it was last year?
*Blogs: Websites for people too lazy to write HTML
This site has moved to the old folks' home as of January 1, 2009. Sparse and sporadic updates will continue.
Another blog banned by the People's Republic of China