Today is Homecoming at Akron Central School. In the past few years it's become tradition to toilet-paper Bloomingdale Avenue the night before the game. I took a few pictures of the aftermath this morning.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 has been my favorite show since I was 10. Only recently, however, did I find out there's been an organized effort to record all 11+ years of episodes. Awesome. So does anyone out there have access to a DVD burner. I have some 700 mb .avi files to convert and my hard drive is full. I'll, like, pay for everything.
I haven't posted anything in a while because I'm working overnights at a new job (it's 9:30 AM and almost time for bed) and trying to finish my Masters project. Should Masters have an apostrophe, or capitalization? It appears both ways in a lot of places. I also have some blogs on my favorite places list that I'd like to purge right here:
This site has moved to the old folks' home as of January 1, 2009. Sparse and sporadic updates will continue.
Another blog banned by the People's Republic of China